Monday, October 19, 2009

How To Maximize Your Official Recruiting Trips

By Coach Chris Berg

Be sure and schedule all 5 of your official visits as soon as possible. The sooner you can schedule your official visits, the sooner you can make a final college decision. There are a lot of stories out there from people about how much FUN your recruiting visit should be and it should BE FUN, but be sure you approach your recruiting visit like a business trip.

My senior year in high school, I had several recruiting visits set up. My first official visit was to Stanford University. It was a blast. I got to meet amazing players from all over the country, eat great food, visit with the coaches, see Palo was amazing, but I always approached it as a business trip.

Why is this important?

Well there are several reasons why you want to treat your visit like a business trip. On your visit, the coach is going to team you up with a current player on the team...what do you think the first thing a coach does once you leave campus to go back home? He calls the player he teamed you up with into his office and starts interviewing him about you. The coach asks the current player:

Do you think he would fit into our program?

Does he seem like a kid that can fit into our program?

How did he behave when you were out and about?

These are only a few questions the coach will be asking your host. Obviously, there will be a ton of questions he will want answers to if he is going to offer you a scholarship. Coaches today are looking for kids that are great people both on and off the field.

A few key points to keep in mind as you take your visits:

1. PREPARE: Write down all your questions before your trip, so when you get on campus you are prepared to get your questions answered.

2. ALWAYS do the right thing when you are on campus. Your host may take you to places that will put you in tempting situations. DO NOT take the bait...keep your head on straight and do the right thing.

3. Visit with as many current players as possible. They will be able to give you a GREAT feel of the college and its program.

4. Always talk to students as well. Find out what they like about the are the athletes treated on campus? Do the athletes fit in? Get a good feel of what your collegiate experience will be like from as many people as possible.

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