Saturday, October 24, 2009

Burning Blade Gold World Of Warcraft

By Mikey Kovnic

The Burning Blade clan of orcs has figured prominently in all three wars in the World of Warcraft. They have battled and bested Thrall's new Horde and even after the Third War continue to thirst for vengeance against the new Horde. As orcs, the members of the Burning Blade clan are powerful warriors who will do their utmost to destroy their enemies without any apparent regard for their own safety. They are also considered Blademasters by friend and foe alike. Earning Burning Blade Gold is not only practical but also a status symbol in the World of Warcraft.

If you don't think that you'll be able to survive a standoff with the Burning Blade clan because you are too new to the game, there are many other safer ways that you can earn gold in World of Warcraft.

Regardless of what gold earning methods you choose, it is important that you immediately start to earn as much gold as you can at whatever level you are. You need gold to buy equipment and mounts. You need gold to complete quests. You really need gold for everything in this world.

When you first join the game, you will need to pick a profession. It is best to pick a profession that will earn you a lot of gold. New players should become gatherers. A gatherer heads off into the wilderness and finds resources that he can sell to a vendor or at the Auction House. White and gray items are the ones that should go to the vendors.

Vendors will take items at what amounts to a wholesale price. If you can establish a good relationship with a vendor you should have a steady buyer for all your gathered items and therefore a steady source of gold as you level up.

You should also make sure that you are properly equipped to maximize your gathering time. Even though it may hurt a little to buy an expensive bag right when you're starting out, you should put out the money for a larger bag so that you can put more items in it.

This way you can send your expensive items to your broker character and he will sell them for you. In the meantime you can stay out in the field and earn even more gold. Getting a large bag will also help you to earn your gold because you can haul more items on each trip.

No matter what you decide to do to earn your gold in World of Warcraft, you should focus on earning gold for at least your first forty levels. Burning Blade Gold is great gold to have, but any will get you what you want.

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