Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tactics of a Good Paintball Sniper

By Buck Reynolds

A paintball sniper does not need a fancy gun to be effective. What he needs is the value of patience and a very good hiding skill. A sniper who has the ability to stay hidden and eliminate enemies while evading being spot will surely be valuable in a game of paintball.

The first thing to consider is the barrel. An ideal paintball sniper is that the barrel bore goes with the paintball the player use. It is also good to consider a barrel with porting at the end because this works as a silencer. This would aid in keeping the sniper difficult to be spotted by the opponent. The most auspicious length of the barrel would be 12 to 14 inches because it would enable the marker to shoot at long distances.

Both forward and rear snipers should be able to conceal their selves in order to make a clear and accurate shot. The best way for a forward sniper to hide is to use the field itself. Taking advantage of the surroundings like the bushes, trees and rocks would be the best way. As much as possible, the forward sniper should make sure that he and his equipment is invisible. On the contrary, the rear sniper should not position his self just behind the flag. The best position would be to position at an angle with the flag. It would be better if the opposing team will pass between the sniper and the flag rather than the sniper shooting past the flag.

Weight and color should also be given a great deal of consideration. It should always be taken into account that paintball snipers are used by snipers and they are most likely in steady position, hiding to aim at their targets. It would not be comfortable for a sniper to maintain his position if he is using a marker that is heavy so avoid using a marker that has bulky frames, huge barrel and have stocks. The color should also be able camouflage to environment so that the sniper could not be easily seen.

The last thing a player should consider is the sound the marker makes and the sight rails. As mentioned earlier, it would be favorable to the sniper if the marker he is using has a low sound so that he could not be easily noticed by his opponents. Sight rails are also not really that important for a paintball sniper. It only makes the marker heavier so as much as possible, discard it. The only purpose it has is to make the paintball marker look genuine.

Becoming a good paintball sniper basically requires the ability to attack and remain invisible at the same time. The best value to learn is patience because if the paintball sniper tries to rush things, it is presumably that he is going to be gunned down by the opponent.

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