Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tips For 2nd Grade Homework

By Ferdinand Emy

When children are in the 2nd grade, they are still fresh to the school system and the distinction between work and play is still unclear. As a teacher of children of this age, fathoming where they're developmentally is needed. It does no good to develop unreasonable expectations of 2nd graders because you feel they should be able to conquer the academics you have in mind. It's that they aren't up to the challenge intellectually. They simply may not be where you wish them to be in their maturity to handle complex or not easy assignments.

This idea is particularly necessary when assigning homework to second graders. Older children may grasp that homework is similar to dad doing his paperwork for the office at home and they may model that behavior because "working" makes sense. But homework for 2nd grade students should be customized to the age of the kids and to the particular students you have in your classroom. The first rule of thumb for any 2nd grade teacher is to not go the route of giving homework that is in the curriculum without regard for your class and what they can and cannot do. Customize the work based on what you know of them and the end results will be much more rewarding.

Bear in mind also that when you send homework with the children, youre much more giving the parents homework even more so than the children. Sending assignments home with 2nd grade kids to be handed in the next day is a direct statement to the parents of "This is how I expect you to spend your family time with your child." Parents know this well and since most teachers will make effort not to make enemies of the parents of their kids, it is optimal to cover homework expectations with the parents during parent conferences early in the year so you don't take them by surprise.

Be sure that you limit the aggregate of homework especially if youre going to spread assignment over a number of academic subjects. At this age level, you are teaching them 2 things when you send homework with them. You are utilising the homework to reinforce the classroom activity and teaching. But you are also teaching them the very idea of taking work home, making sure mom and dad know with reference to it, completing it and returning it.

If you can get good homework habits so your kids learn to simply do their optimal on each assignment, bring it back and turn it in, you will conquer one of the biggest difficulties students at every age level struggle with which is staying organized. Work with your parent community so they know what you are doing and assign homework that's within the time and attention span capabilities of your students. If youre smart in how you use homework to extend the teaching that happens in the classroom, you will see more success with your students which means happier students, a happier teacher and, maybe most vitally, happier parents.

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