Sunday, December 6, 2009

Online Roulette System Vs Online Roulette Software

By John Barker

I am going to give you some information about the argument between roulette software and roulette systems. Roulette systems are often now put into software form in order to make things simpler for the buyers and sellers.

An important point to remember though at this point is the fact that roulette software will only ever be as good as the system it is put into. This unfortunately is a big problem with roulette software programs. Roulette software programs all have what is called a sleeper system coded into them, which long term is a big disadvantage.

A sleeper system tells you to bet on something that hasn't come up during the past few spins, and when you lose, you double your bet each time until you win money. This system is found in all roulette software programs as far as I am aware.

As you probably already know, the sleeper system is bogus. It is bogus because the software used by casinos will not let it work. Online roulette isn't rigged or anything though, because you can get the same results if you place no bets.

Now there are a few automated roulette software programs appearing. These basically do everything for you - they place bets and spin the wheel. You can even have it running for you all day whilst you are at work. They all use a sleeper system too though unfortunately.

I actually prefer conventional roulette systems because of this. More often than not, a conventional system will have been created by someone who knows what they are doing with online roulette. Software programs on the other hand will have been developed by someone only interested in making money from selling it.

In conclusion to this I would be very sceptical when it comes to roulette software programs. You need to remember that anyone with some programming knowledge can make a software program However it is a lot more difficult to make a long term winning roulette system. Only someone with experience of using a roulette system for many months can then certify it as the real thing to be able to sell it.

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